Common Ports Cheat Sheet

It’s a pain trying to memorize port numbers and their corresponding service names and protocols. So, we created this concise cheat sheet of common network ports and their associated protocols and service names for you to use as a quick reference.

Feel free to print it out and hang it up or share a link to it with your colleagues and peers. Use it to speed up port identification or as a training resource for onboarding new network administrators or engineers.

Free Common Port Cheat Sheet

Preview of cheat sheet listing common ports and their associated protocols in computer networking.

Click on the network port chart above to view the printable, searchable PDF version. Scroll down below for the port list tables.

This list is by no means exhaustive. It just lists the most frequently used ports. There are a total of 65,535 TCP/UDP ports. They are divided into 3 classes:

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), in case you’re wondering, is the organization that oversees global IP address allocation and port classification.

Some common protocols that use these ports:

Common Well-known/System Ports in Computer Networking

Well-known network ports range from 0 to 1023. These ports are assigned by IANA and listed in RFC 1700. On most systems they can only be used by system (or root) processes or by programs executed by privileged users. Some well-known ports use TCP, some use UDP, and some can be configured to use either.

Well-known TCP ports are used by applications that rely on TCP as the transport protocol. Examples:

Well-known UDP ports are used by applications relying on UDP. Examples:

Knowledge of these ports is helpful for network engineers looking for work as they are popular topics asked about in technical interviews.

7TCP/UDPechoEcho service
9TCP/UDPdiscardZero service
19TCP/UDPchargenCharacter Generator Protocol, Sends an infinite character string
20TCP/SCTPftp-dataFile Transfer Protocol data transfer
21TCP/UDP/SCTPftpFile Transfer Protocol command control
22TCP/UDP/SCTPssh/scp/sftpSecure Shell, file transfers (scp, sftp)
23TCPtelnetTelnet (unencrypted text coms)
25TCPsmtpSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (email routing)
42TCP/UDPwins replicationMicrosoft Windows Internet Name Service
43TCP/UDPwhoisWhois service (provider of domain-level information)
49UDPtacacsTerminal Access Controller Access-Control System
53TCP/UDPdnsDomain Name System
67UDPdhcp/bootpDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (server port)
68UDPdhcp/bootpDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (client port)
69UDPtftpTrivial File Transfer Protocol
70TCPgopherDocument search
79TCPfingerFinger user information protocol (delivers user information)
80TCP/UDP/SCTPhttpHypertext Transfer Protocol (v1.x and 2 use TCP, HTTP/3 uses QUIC over UDP)
88TCP/UDPkerberosNetwork authentication system
101TCPhostnameNIC host name
102TCPmicrosoft exchange iso-tsapMicrosoft Exchange ISO Transport Service Access Point
110TCPpop3Post Office Protocol V3
113TCPidentIdentification Protocol
119TCPnntp (usenet)Network News Transfer Protocol
123UDPntpNetwork Time Protocol
135TCP/UDPmicrosoft rpc epmapMicrosoft Remote Procedure Call Endpoint Mapper service
137TCP/UDPnetbios-nsNetBIOS Name Service
138TCP/UDPnetbios-dgmNetBIOS Datagram Service
139TCP/UDPnetbios-ssnNetBIOS Session Service
143TCP/UDPimapInternet Message Access Protocol
161UDPsnmp-agents (unencrypted)Simple network management protocol (agent communication)
162UDPsnmp-trap (unencrypted)Simple network management protocol (trap listener)
177UDPxdmcpX Display Manager Control Protocol
179TCPbgpBorder Gateway Protocol
194UDPircInternet Relay Chat
201TCP/UDPappletalkAppleTalk Routing Maintenance
264TCP/UDPbgmpBorder Gateway Multicast Protocol
318TCP/UDPtspTime Stamp Protocol
381TCP/UDPhp openviewHP performance data collector
383TCP/UDPhp openviewHP data alarm manager
389TCP/UDPldapLightweight directory access protocol
411TCP/UDP(multiple uses)Direct Connect Hub
412TCP/UDP(multiple uses)Direct Connect Client-to-Client
427TCPslpService Location Protocol
443TCP/UDP/SCTPhttps (http over ssl)Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (v1.x and 2 use TCP, HTTP/3 uses QUIC over UDP)
445TCP/UDPmicrosoft ds smbMicrosoft Directory Services (Active Directory/Windows shares use TCP, Server Message Block file-sharing uses UDP)
464TCP/UDPkerberosKerberos password change
465TCPsmtp over tls/sslSMTP over TLS/SSL (SMTPS)
465TCPssmSource Specific Multicast protocol (SSM)
497TCP/UDPdantz retrospectRetrospect Windows backup software
500UDPipsec/isakmp/ikeInternet Protocol Security / Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol / Internet Key Exchange
512TCPrexecRemote Process Execution
513TCPrloginUnix remote computer login
514UDPsyslog/shellSystem logging service / remote shell
515TCPlpd/lprLine Printer Daemon, or Line Printer Remote
520UDPripRouting Information Protocol
521UDPripng (ipv6)Routing Information Protocol next generation (IPv6 RIP)
540TCPuucpUnix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
546TCP/UDPdhcpv6Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol v6 client
547TCP/UDPdhcpv6Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol v6 server
548TCPafpApple Filing Protocol
554TCP/UDPrtspReal Time Streaming Protocol
560UDPrmonitorRemote Monitor
563TCP/UDPnntp over tls/sslNetwork News Transfer Protocol (encrypted)
587TCPsmtp/submissionSMTP email message submission
591TCPfilemakerFileMaker Web Companion
593TCP/UDPmicrosoft dcomDistributed Component Object Model
596TCP/UDPsmsdSysMan Station daemon
631TCPippInternet Printing Protocol
636TCP/UDPldap over tls/sslLightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (encrypted)
639TCPmsdp (pim)Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (part of Protocol Independent Multicast)
646TCP/UDPldp (mpls)Label Distribution Protocol (part of Multiprotocol Label Switching or MPLS)
691TCPmicrosoft exchangeMicrosoft Exchange Routing
860TCPiscsiInternet Small Computer Systems Interface
873TCPrsyncRsync file transfer services
902TCP/UDPvmware serverVMware ESXi
989TCPftpsFile Transfer Protocol (data) over TLS/SSL (encrypted)
990TCPftpsFile Transfer Protocol (control) over TLS/SSL (encrypted)
992TCP/UDPtelnetsTelnet over SSL/TLS (encrypted)
993TCPimap over ssl (imaps)Internet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (encrypted)
995TCP/UDPpop3 over ssl (pop3s)Post Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL (encrypted)

Common Registered Network Ports

Registered network ports are ports in the range of 1024 to 49151 that have been officially registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for specific services and applications.

Some key points about registered ports:

1025TCPmicrosoft rpcRemote Procedure Call
1080TCP/UDPsocksSOCKS proxy (UDP used in SOCKS5)
1241TCP/UDPnessusNessus Security Scanner
1311TCPdell openmanageDell EMC OpenManage Server Administrator Web GUI
1433TCPms-sql-sMicrosoft SQL server
1434TCP/UDPms-sql-mMicrosoft SQL monitor
1494TCPicaCitrix ICA client
1512TCP/UDPwinsWindows internet name service
1524TCP/UDPingreslockIngres DBMS
1589TCP/UDPcisco vqpCisco VLAN Query Protocol
1701UDPl2tpLayer 2 tunneling protocol/Layer 2 forwarding (VPN)
1723TCP/UDPmicrosoft pptpPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (VPN)
1725UDPsteamSteam Client
1755TCP/UDPmmsMicrosoft Media Server
1812TCP/UDPradiusRADIUS authentication
1813TCP/UDPradius-acctRADIUS access and accounting
1985UDPhsrpCisco Hot Standby Router Protocol
2000TCPcisco sccpSkinny Client Control Protocol
2002TCPcisco acsCisco Access Control Server
2008TCPteamspeak3Teamspeak 3 accounting
2010UDPteamspeak3Teamspeak 3 web list
2049TCP/UDPnfsNetwork file system
2083TCP/UDPradsec/cpanelSecure RADIUS Service, cPanel SSL
2100TCPamiganetfsAmiga Network Filesystem
2102TCP/UDPzephyr-srvZephyr server
2103TCP/UDPzephyr-cltZephyr client
2104TCP/UDPzephyr-hmZephyr host manager
2222TCPdirectadminGraphical web hosting control panel
2401TCPcvspserverConcurrent versions system
2483TCP/UDPoracleOracle database insecure client connection listener
2484TCP/UDPoracleOracle database SSL client connection listener
2809TCP/UDPcorbalocCommon object request broker architecture
2967TCP/UDPsymantec avSymantec System Center Agent
3128TCP/UDPhttp proxyCommon web proxy server port
3222TCP/UDPglbpGateway Load Balancing Protocol
3260TCP/UDPiscsi targetMicrosoft iSCSI Target Server
3306TCP/UDPmysqlMySQL database service (or MariaDB)
3389TCPrdpWindows Remote Desktop Protocol
3689TCPdaapApple iTunes Digital Audio Access Protocol
3690TCP/UDPsvnApache Subversion
4321TCPrwhoisRemote whois service
4333TCPmsqlMini SQL Server
4500UDPipsec nat traversalInternet Protocol Security NAT Traversal
4899TCPradminRemote computer control software
5000TCPupnpUniversal Plug and Play
5001TCPiperfTool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance
5004-5005UDPrtp/rtspReal-time Transport Protocol, Real Time Streaming Protocol
5060TCP/UDPsipSession Initiation Protocol
5061TCPsip-tlsSession Initiation Protocol over TLS
5222-5223TCPxmppExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (Google Talk, Jabber, WhatsApp)
5353UDPmdnsMulticast DNS
5432TCPpostresqlPostgreSQL database system
5800TCPvnc over httpVirtual Network Computing (VNC)
5900-5999TCP/UDPrfb/vnc serverVNC Remote Frame Buffer RFB protocol
6000-6001TCPX11X Windows system services
6129TCPdamewareSolarwinds remote access software
6379TCPredisPopular non-relational database management system (NoSql)
6588TCPanalogxAnalogX proxy server
6588TCPhttp proxyCommon web proxy server port
8080TCPhttp proxyCommon web proxy server port
8200TCP/UDPvmware serverVMware vSphere Fault Tolerance
8222TCP/UDPvmware serverVMware Server Management User Interface (insecure Web interface).
8767UDPTeamspeakVoIP communication system
9042TCPcassandraApache Cassandra, a NoSql database
9100TCPpdlPDL Data Stream, used for printing to certain network printers
9800TCP/UDPwebdavWeb-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, an extension of HTTP
10161TCPsnmp-agentsSimple network management protocol agent (encrypted)
10162TCPsnmp-trapSimple network management protocol listener (encrypted)
13720TCP/UDPbprdSymantec NetBackup
13721TCP/UDPbpdbmSymantec database manager
13724TCP/UDPvnetdSymantec network utility
13782TCP/UDPbpcdSymantec NetBackup
13783TCP/UDPvopiedSymantec VOPIE
20000TCP/UDPuserminWeb email interface for non-root users
22273TCP/UDPwnn6Kana/Kanji conversion
23399TCP/UDPskypeSkype (unofficial)
27017TCP/UDPmongodbMongoDB NoSql database
33434TCP/UDPtracerouteNetwork tracing

Common Dynamic/Private Network Ports

Dynamic/Private network ports refer to the range of ports from 49152 to 65535 that are not officially registered with IANA for any specific service or application and are available for private or temporary use.

They can be used by applications dynamically as needed, usually for establishing temporary connections. Often they are used by client-side applications that initiate connections to servers on well-known or registered ports.

A common example of dynamic network port use is Ephemeral Ports. These are short-lived transport layer ports used when an application on a client device makes an outgoing connection to a server. They allow a client application to use a random available port for its side of the connection which has multiple benefits from enabling multiple connections from the same client application to traversing firewalls as most firewalls are configured by default to allow connections from ephemeral ports to well-known ports.

The dynamic/private port range also provides ports for private or customized services within an organization since they are unregistered.

Top 35 Most Common Ports for Certification Exams and Interviews

Prepping for an exam or interviewing for a role in networking or a networking adjacent field? Prioritize memorizing the ports below.

In my experience, these are the ports most frequently used in certification exams and to quiz candidates in technical interviews.

PortService Name
20, 21FTP
445Microsoft DS SMB
464Kerberos password settings
465SMTP over SSL/TLS
587SMTP Submission
636LDAP over SSL
1434Microsoft SQL
5061SIP over TLS
8080Common web proxy server port

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