Contract Teaming Agreement Outline

If you wish to submit a response to a GSA Task Order using a Contractor Teaming Agreement (CTA), GSA recommends that you include the following elements in a Contractor Team Agreement:

Identification of Parties

Each member of the CTA should be identified by name, address, GSA Schedule contract number, telephone number, and Point of Contact (POC). The CTA document should also state the name, identity, and POC for the team lead.

The name and address of the government contracting agency should be included and the primary points of contact at the government for specific needs should be identified.

The CTA document should state that the agreement is solely between the team members and cannot conflict with the terms and conditions of each team member's GSA Schedule contract.

Specific Team Activities

The CTA document should state the various types of activities that will be incorporated into the team arrangement and who is the primary party responsible for the particular activity.

Duration of Arrangement

The duration of the team arrangement should be specified, including any options and how the options will work.

Terms of Arrangement

The terms of the CTA should define the whole course of the project. The CTA document should specify the duration, the players, the responsibilities, and the limitations of the various players.

Team Ordering Procedures

The CTA document should list the supplies/services and pricing, including any team lead fees, if applicable, and note that all prices charged to the government are at or below GSA Schedule contract prices.

List of Open Market Items

The wide range of supplies and services offered by GSA Schedule contractors should make the need for open market items minimal. Should open market items be required, however, all such items must be clearly identified as "open market" items, in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.402(f).

Responsibilities of Team Lead

The CTA document should outline and specify the duties of the designated team lead at each phase of the project.

Responsibilities of Team Members

The CTA document should specify and describe the individual duties of the team members.

Pricing and Costs

The CTA document should specify unit prices or hourly rates and how pricing is calculated. If there is a project management fee divided within the team, it should be specified. If there are any award or incentive fees, the CTA document should explain how they will be divided within the team.

Independent Contractors

The CTA document should state that all team members remain independent contractors, responsible for their own employees.

Delivery Responsibility

The CTA document should state whether the team lead or each team member is responsible for a particular part of the project, so that delivery responsibility is clearly established.

Invoicing and Payment

The CTA document should designate who is responsible for invoicing and payment. While the team lead may submit an invoice on behalf of all team members, GSA recommends that payment be made to each team member.

GSA recognizes, however, that there may be instances where it is advantageous to craft the CTA document so that payment is made to the team lead who, in turn, pays each team member. Under such circumstances, the CTA document should clearly indicate that all team members agree to this method of payment.

The CTA document should also acknowledge that any dispute involving the distribution of payment between the team lead and the team members will be resolved by the team members, without any involvement by the government.

Reporting of Sales and Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) Payment Responsibility

The CTA document should specify that each contractor is responsible for reporting its own sales under its Schedule contract and paying the related IFF to GSA. Each team member will track sales all the way through the system by contract number to respond to the IFF reporting requirements.


The Contractor Teaming Agreement should designate who is responsible for resolving such warranty issues as who should the government contact and when; who will come in and correct the problem; and how will compensation be made within the team.


The CTA document should address each team member's responsibilities and performance requirements so that liability is clearly established.

Confidential Information

The CTA document should identify any proprietary information and specify how such information will be handled.

Replacement of Team Members

The CTA document should address the circumstances and procedures for replacement of team members, including the team lead. The CTA document should also state that the team shall obtain the approval of the government prior to replacing any team members.

Legal Relationship

The CTA document should not create a joint venture or separate subsidiary.