Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs): Graduate School ETDs


The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is a research degree and is granted on evidence of general proficiency, distinctive attainment in a special field, and particularly on ability for independent investigation as demonstrated in a dissertation presenting original research with a high degree of literary skill. Consequently, doctoral programs are more flexible and varied than those leading to other graduate degrees. The Graduate Council does not specify what courses are required for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. General requirements: the program should be unified in relation to a clear objective, the program should have the considered approval of the student’s entire supervisory committee, and the program should include an appropriate number of credits of doctoral research.

Doctor of Education

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree offers advanced professional training and academic preparation for the highest levels of educational practice. Programs are available in the School of Teaching and Learning, the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies, and the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education.

Master's Degree

For master's degrees that require a thesis, each candidate must prepare and present a thesis that shows independent investigation. It must be acceptable, in form and content, to the supervisory committee and to the Graduate School. The work must be of publishable quality and must be in a form suitable for publication, guided by the Graduate School’s format requirements. The academic unit is responsible for quality and scholarship. The Graduate Council requires the Graduate School Editorial Office, as agents of the Dean of the Graduate School, to briefly review theses and dissertations for acceptable format, and to make recommendations as required. See the Graduate Catalog for your first semester to determine which degrees require a thesis and which have non-thesis options.

For more information on the University of Florida's doctoral and master's degree programs, see the Graduate Degrees page of the Graduate Catalog.

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Additional Publishing Options

In addition to the freely available electronic version available in the IR@UF, authors have additional publishing options for their thesis or dissertation. The Libraries do not endorse any binding service or publishing platform. However, we are happy to discuss your options to the best of our ability. If you have questions, please reach out to IRManager@uflib.ufl.edu.


In 2018, the Smathers Libraries and BiblioLabs began a program to offer retail print-on-demand options to authors of digital theses and dissertations, at no cost to the author. Authors retained the copyright to their work. The first batch of pilot titles went live in January 2019. As of March 2021, more than 400 unique titles are available on Amazon. Books are available for sale from sellers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble as hardcover (priced at $69) or paperback (priced at $49). Price is not affected by number of pages or the presence of color illustrations. Authors receive a 20% royalty rate after expenses.

As of Spring 2021, the Libraries and BiblioLabs are reviewing their partnership. This page will be updated with information as it becomes available.

ProQuest Traditional Publishing

NOTE: If you have chosen a restriction period for your thesis or dissertation, ProQuest ® will not produce bound copies until your restriction at UF (and at ProQuest if you chose one there) expires. They will charge your credit card immediately after you place an order. If, for example, you chose a Secret for 2 Years restriction and placed an order for a bound copy while completing your ProQuest submission form, they will charge you immediately but it will be over two years until you receive that book.

The ProQuest Traditional Publishing option makes your work available for sale through ProQuest’s Dissertations Express service and lists it in ProQuest’s Dissertations and Theses subscription database. There is no cost to the author for participation. Authors receive 10% royalties on the net revenue of sales of their work, and royalties are paid when accrued earned royalties reach $25. Authors retain the copyright to their work. For more information, please review the full Traditional Publishing Agreement.

ProQuest Open Access Publishing PLUS

ProQuest Open Access Publishing PLUS adds to their Traditional Publishing service by providing public access to your work in PQDT Open, their online repository of open access graduate works. There is a one-time fee of $95 to participate. PQDT Open provides free access to the citation, abstract, and full text (including supplementary files) for graduate works for all institutional subscribers to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT). For more information, review the ProQuest Open Access Publishing PLUS product page.

Other Options

The Libraries do not endorse any binding service or publishing platform and recommend that you do your own research. Some options to consider include: