Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at SNDT Churchgate is a large and dynamic Post graduate Department offering Masters and Doctoral programs in Counseling, Clinical and Industrial Psychology. We cater to a large student strength from Mumbai as well as various parts of the country. The program offered consists predominantly of hands on training in various professional domains of psychology, along with creation of a strong base in Psychological theory and Research methodology in Psychology.

In order to be eligible for these Masters programs the minimum requirement is an entire Psychology Bachelor’s degree with practicals component.

The teaching in this Department is multi-method, including a wide range of techniques ranging from lectures to caselets, case presentations, simulations, live field based cases and discussions, mock interviews, GDs, career exhibitions, workshops, and assignments, including open book exams. The research component too is demanding but readies the student for professional writing for publishing and presentations in their chosen field.

The faculty also conducts remedial sessions, sessions where students more comfortable with languages other than English are accommodated and trained, although the medium of instruction is English.

Our Masters program in Psychology has a very strong research component, part of the 80 credits earned. This component carries 200 marks and involves completion of an empirical data based Dissertation which is evaluated by external experts.

Job placements
Typically, students are absorbed into the fabric of professional psychology in the city and surround through campus placement, networking by faculty with various NGO, GOs, corporates and research organizations where students who pass out of the Department can be absorbed. The Department also runs an Annual flagship program called Campus to career where there is a day-long interaction of Psychologists and potential employers from various work settings with our students of MA II, who will soon join the world of work.

Comprises of 50% internal assessment and 50% external examinations, which ensures continuous assessment and involvement of the student all through the year, with a high level of motivation to perform. The internal assessments vary from written assignments, Open book tests and reviews of recent medicolegal developments in the field of mental health, to creation of modules for awareness building, streetplays and posters, as well as public awareness programs. Students are trained as master trainers on various fields ranging from cyber safety to addiction prevention as part of the curriculum.


- To disseminate scientific knowledge in psychology to students through the courses of study and prepare them to face demands of the profession.

- To reach out to society at large through media and technology for spreading knowledge of psychology for the benefit of the masses.


To create researched knowledge in psychology and its applications to enrich the subject.


Promote professional practice skills, knowledge and research in Clinical, industrial and counseling settings through teaching, research and service.